This study investigated organizational culture's impact on strategy implementation in private hospitals in Nairobi City County. The study looked at how teamwork, risk-taking, people-oriented, and goal-oriented cultures affect how well private hospitals in Nairobi City County implement their strategies. The study was anchored by Resource-based View and Concept of Open Systems. The population under study consisted of 2000 participants from 6 out of 53 private hospitals in Nairobi City County. From a total of 53 hospitals, 6 private hospitals were chosen. One private hospital was chosen using a purposeful sampling technique from among the Nairobi City County's six main zones: Nairobi central, Northern, Northern East, Eastern, Western and Southern zones. 200 participantswere randomly chosen as a sample from the general population. This population sample satisfied the 10% research recommendation managers at the top, middle, and junior employees from the represented organizations consisted the sample. Semi-structured questionnaires that were distributed were used for data collection. To ensure that the questionnaire adequately covers the subject it was intended to cover, face validity wasemployed. The questionnaire's scale reliabilitywas measured using Cronbach's Alpha.A descriptive dataanalysis was used. The ANOVA test was used to compare the means of the groups. Multiple regression analysis was performed to take a glance into the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. Graphs, tables, charts, and analytical discussion were used to present the data findings and relationships. The findings indicated that although private hospitals in Nairobi City County have an organization culture, the element of goals clarity remains unaddressed in most organizations. Existence of strong organizational culture was found to have a positive influence on strategy implementation. Adoption of risk-taking culture, people oriented culture, goal-oriented culture and team culture were found to influence strategy implementation positively leading to higher profits, greater customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. These findings were projected to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field, serve as a reference point for private hospitals in Nairobi City County and beyond, and inform Kenyan policymaking and other developing countries.
Keywords: Organization Culture, Strategy Implementation, Goal-oriented Culture, Risk-taking Culture, People-oriented Culture, Team Culture.
CITATION: Munyi, D. W. & Muthimi, J. (2022). Organizational culture as an antecedent of strategy implementation in the context of private hospitals in nairobi city county, kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1228 – 1251.
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