This study was interested in investigating the effect of School Accounts Management and Financial Accountability of Public Secondary Schools in Khwisero Sub-County. The study further established the moderating influence of school factors on the relationship between school accounts management and financial accountability of public secondary schools in Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The target population had 51 stakeholders comprising of the principal and the bursar per school, this entailed 25 public secondary schools in Khwisero sub-county, Kenya. Using census survey, all 51 stakeholders were incorporated as the county school’s auditor was incorporated in charge of all schools under study. Structured questionnaires were used as the instruments for data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation analysis and simple linear regression analysis). This was aided by statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Data was presented by use of tables. The study found that School budget development, School budget implementation and fee Collection strategies had a positive and significance influence on financial accountability of public secondary schools in Khwisero sub County, Kakamega County. Furthermore, school factors had a moderating influence on school accounts management and financial accountability of public secondary schools in Khwisero sub County, Kakamega County. The study recommended that on school budget development, public secondary schools should seek an increase in budget allocation from the ministry of education for each child to increase fund generation. On school budget implementation, public secondary schools should ensure budgets generated are realized and funds should clearly indicate the expenditures realized. On fees collection strategies, public secondary schools should find means in which fee collection can be enhanced to ensure there is adequate cash flow and since school factors has significant effect on financial accountability, it should also be included into main key elements that public secondary schools should consider when handling school fund accounts.
Key Words; School Accounts Management, Financial Accountability, Public Secondary Schools, School Budget Development, School Budget Implementation, School Fees Collection Strategies
CITATION: Rotich, A. C., & Mungai, J. N. (2022). School accounts management and financial accountability of public secondary schools in Khwisero Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1299 – 1317.
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