The purpose of the study was to establish the factors influencing high labour turnover in Anti-Counterfeit Agency. The study sought to establish if leadership, human resource policies, reward management and work environment lead to high labour turnover. The study comprises of chapters one, two, three, four and five. Chapter one deals with the introduction of the study; background, statement problem objective of the study and generally gives the direction of the study in terms of what the researcher wants to study. Chapter two which is literature review focuses on theoretical rationale of the study and further establishes empirical review of the study. Chapter three which is research methodology describes the research design and methodology. These are the steps taken in the data collection, and analysis. The chapter highlights the research instruments which the researcher incorporated in the study. In addition to that, the sampling design and the data collection procedures are important components of a research are also contained in this chapter. This section of the study describes the research design, the target population and the sampling method, procedure of data collection and data analysis in totality. The target population is composed of 53 employees working at headquarter. Due to this number, the study used census technique for sampling. Data was collected from respondents using questionnaires and cronbach alpha coefficient was used to test reliability. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS Version 21.0). Results obtained are presented in tables to aid in the analysis and ease with which the inferential statistics will be drawn. Chapter four deals with data analysis, presentations and interpretation of findings and chapter five deals with summary of findings, presentations, conclusion and recommendations.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v1i2.25
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