The focus of the study was the relationship between flexible working arrangements and talent management in Mombasa County state corporations (coast development authority, Kenya bureau of standards, Kenya coast water services board, Kenya maritime authority, Kenya ferry services, and Kenya marine and fisheries research institute). A variety of theories were employed in this investigation, including the path-goal leadership theory as well as theories based on equity, role theory, component theory, and the work-family boundary theory. The study adhered to the research philosophy of pragmatism. The research design utilized in this study was a cross-sectional survey. The six state corporations functioning in Mombasa County comprised the unit of analysis. Human resource managers and staff of the six state corporations in Mombasa County were included in this study. 293 people work for the six state corporations collectively. The sample size of 169 people was calculated using the Yamane method. The study used variety of ways to choose participants. First, purposive sampling was employed to select the six state firms' HR managers. The researchers then randomly selected the remaining 163 individuals working in diverse departments for the experiment. A questionnaire was used to collect data from the employees of state corporations operating in Mombasa County. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with the aid of SPSS version 26. Descriptive statistics involved the use of frequencies and percentages while inferential statistics involved the use of logistic regression. The results of the analysis revealed that there is a correlation between employee flexible working arrangement and employee retention in state corporations operating in Mombasa County. The study recommended that in order to promote employee loyalty to the organization, managers of state corporations should develop and support flexible working policies and procedures that include time constraints and time autonomy policies. Proper performance measurement, as well as clear communication of policies, are essential for effective implementation. It is vital to evaluate and monitor the success of such regulations, as it is possible that certain employees will abuse such policies. Employee commitment, job satisfaction, and reduced turnover are predicted to rise as a result of a successful implementation.
Key words: Flexible Working Arrangements, Employee Retention
CITATION: Ali, M. A., Kirimi, E., & Muema, W. (2022). Relationship between flexible working arrangements and employee retention among state corporations in Mombasa County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1392 – 1401.
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