The general objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of strategy implementation on performance of National Government Constituencies Development funds in Bomet County, Kenya. The study was anchored on stakeholder theory, implementation theory resource-based-view theory and Durkheim’s theory of culture. Descriptive research methodology was utilized for this study. Sotik Constituency served as the subject of study, while employees working with the Constituency served as the subject of observation. The study took a census of 90 respondents. All participants were given questionnaires. The questionnaires' quantitative data was gathered, examined with descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation, and displayed as tables, frequencies, and graphs. For the purpose of determining the link between the independent and dependent variables, multiple regression analysis is a necessary step in inferential statistics. Tables showcasing the study's findings were shown. The study found that stakeholder involvement, organizational culture, resource allocation and communication were found to have a positive significant influence on project performance. The study concluded that involving the stakeholders in strategy implementation assists in identifying and finding out the possible solution to the identified problems. The County was able to formulate strategies that were in line with its mission that had directed properly the way in which the projects were management. Resource mobilization guarantees that a County always has the resources needed to meet its citizens' demands, ensuring the County’s ability to continue providing services to customers. Having efficient internal communication procedures in place is important for fostering employee engagement, preventing effort duplication and time wastage, and maintaining team cohesion. The study recommended that the County should make sure the stakeholders are involved early for a project to be successful. The County needs to match its values, purpose, and mission with its culture to establish a strong framework for fostering a culture that benefits the company and its employees. The County to focus on gaining access to a variety of resources rather than just financial ones, create a network of resource providers, and use a range of mobilization mechanisms. The County should provide a variety of channels for employee feedback and that management should provide clear and precise feedback in order to ensure that its employees feel heard.
Key Words: Stakeholder Involvement, Organizational Culture, Resource Mobilization, Communication
CITATION: Hussein, Z. Z., & Kiiru, D. (2022). Strategy implementation and performance of national government constituencies’ development funds projects in Bomet County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1536 – 1555.
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