The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of microfinance products and services on the empowerment of women in semi-rural areas in Burundi. The spefic objectives of the study were to assess the products and services offered by microfinance institutions in Burundi; to analyse the level of women empowerment by microfinance products and lastly to find out the relationship between microfinance products and women empowerment in Burundi. The study adopted the exploratory correlation research design.The study population was a group of rural women members of AFADE microfinance in Cibitoke-District. The probability sampling with simple random sampling was employed to collect data from the population of the study. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. Data were entered into statistical packages for social science (SPSS), analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results were presented in the frequency table and percentage.The results from the findings revealed that according to the first objective stated micro-credits and micro-savings were the main products offered by AFADE microfinance in Cibitoke district, findings also showed that microfinance products and services contribute in the empowerment of rural women by increasing their self-confidence, participation in the household decision-making, increase in the owmership of assets and the like, although the ANOVA test showed that there was no significant relationship between those products offered and women empowerment.Based on the results the study concluded that microfinance products and services do contribute to the empowerment of rural women members of AFADE microfince in Cibitoke District and study recommended to microfinance institutions in Burundi to diversisfy products and services offered to their customers especially to women.
Key words: Microfinance, Empowerment, Women Empowerment
CITATION: Iteriteka, B., & Niyibizi, F. X. (2022). Effects of microfinance products and services on the empowerment of women in semi-rural areas-Burundi. (Case study of Afade, Cibitoke-District). The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 9 (4), 1748 – 1760.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v9i4.2521
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