A study entitled “The comparative study of Physico-chemical characteristics of different quinoa cultivars in Rwanda” was carried out in INES-Ruhengeri laboratories (Physico-chemical laboratory). The main objective of this study was the comparative study of the Physico-chemical characteristics of different quinoa. Different quinoa flours were extracted and tested for physicochemical tests. The quinoa beans (Kasleae and QQ74) were cleaned to remove stones and any other contaminants. Then, fifty grams of healthy and unbroken bean seeds for each sample were taken in a dry pan and were roasted on low flame by stirring continuously to make sure to not burn them because they can produce a brown color, after 8 to 9 minutes the two samples started turning golden, the flame was turned off and they were cooled and finally, each sample was blended separately by using a blender (Nutribullet) and the two samples were packaged in an airtight container. The obtained product was subjected to Physico-chemical laboratory analysis, whereas the moisture content of QQ74 flour was the highest compared to the moisture content of Kasleae flour. The results showed that the fat content and carbohydrate of QQ74 flour were greater than the one of kasleae flour, and the protein contents and the ash of kasleae flour were greater than the one of QQ74. The study was a success, and based on the results, it can be stated that quinoa flour has greater Physico-chemical properties than any other cereal. Quinoa porridge was prepared and a group of five persons where present for the sensory evaluation which included the taste, color, odor, texture, and the flovor.
Key Words: QUINOA product, Physical-chemical characteristics
CITATION: Kabanda, M., & Niyongabo, P. (2023). Comparative study of physico-chemical characteristics of different quinoa cultivars in Rwanda. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 254 – 268.
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