The capacity to implement new practices is essential for an organization to deliver improved effectiveness continuously. This study examined the strategic management effectiveness of the ethics and anti-corruption commission as an institution. The investigator's specific focus was on determining how communication, task allocation strategy, stakeholder involvement, and leadership affect organizational performance at the EACC's Nairobi headquarters. The researcher analyzed the strategic management idea using both empirical and theoretical review. This investigation employed a descriptive study approach. The whole 655-person staff of the ethics and anti-corruption commission acted as the study's population of interest and was the subject of the research. The study employed stratified random sampling approach. Data was gathered via self-administered questionnaires. The results of the study showed that a correlation existed between leadership and the dependent variable. It was reported that effectiveness and task distribution strategies were highly correlated. The report came to the conclusion that the agency collaborates with other entities such as the government and other international agencies, despite the fact that the results show that the relationship between stakeholder involvements was not substantial. The results revealed that there is a strong association between communication and organizational performance.
Key Words: Communication, Task Allocation Strategy, Stakeholder Involvement, Leadership
CITATION: Osoro, R., & Njuguna, R. (2023). Strategic management practices and organizational performance: A case of ethics and anticorruption commission Nairobi headquarters, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 289 – 303.
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