Procurement in the Government ministries in Kenya has passed through many stages and made various strides to enhance its operations so that members and the general public are benefiting in a broad perspective. Although the government has been involved in streamlining the procurement system in government ministries, it is marred by inefficiencies. The study was meant to investigate the factors affecting procurement of goods in government ministries a case study of The National Treasury. The study looked at the past literature on the procurement effectiveness with emphasis in the government ministries. The research used simple stratified sampling and the target population was 450 personnel from various departments at The National Treasury and the sample size was 45. This was 10% of the target population. The study used primary data as its source of information and questionnaires as the main instrument of data collection. The data was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative techniques, SPSS version 20 was used. Presentation of data was done using tables, pie charts and frequency distribution tables. From the findings, the study found out that government policies had a significant strong positive correlation with procurement of goods in Government Ministries. Increasing levels of government policies by a unit would increase the levels of procurement of goods by 0.920. The study sought to find out the extent to which procurement procedures affected procurement of goods in Government Ministries. From the findings, majority of the respondents rated procurement procedures factors such as procurement procedures, procurement rules, contract management and tendering guidelines as influencing procurement of goods in Government Ministries to a great extent. The study concludes that procurement of goods in the government ministries was affected by capital availability followed by government structure, government policy and then procurement procedures. The researcher recommended that budget process be streamlined, decentralized and hybrid structure should be adopted, supply chain management staff should be trained regularly and procurement procedures should be well monitored. In addition research in the field of procurement of goods in Africa and particularly in Kenya was of great importance and further research was required.
Key Words: Procurement Procedures, Government Policy, Capital Availability, Government Structure, Procurement of Goods
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i2.254
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