Human resource management is integral to the successful operations of any office. It is the responsibility of human resource management to create and maintain an engaging, efficient, and legally compliant workplace. The role of HR has shifted from handing out pink slips to having a huge part in the strategic formulation, implementation and evaluation of different policies in an organization. Regardless of its importance to an economy and the development of its citizen, the prosperity and growth of an organization still depends mainly upon the policies, programs and practices of human resource sub-system and therefore, an organization aiming at growth from all dimensions should maintain a dynamic and effective human resource sub-system and management. Human resource management is one of the major business issues in the current market. Globally, organizations have been focusing on profit maximization and increase in wealth of the owners leaving out the key factors that ensures business growth such as human resource management practices. Human resources are key elements in the achievement of short, medium and long term goals of corporate organizations. This is because without human resources organizations would find it difficult to accomplish corporate goals, objectives, mission and vision. Hence, organizations need to manage human resources effectively and efficiently. Human resource management is concerned with the planning, organizing, directing and controlling various operative functions of procurement, development, maintenance and utilization of a labour force in such a way that objectives of company, those of personnel of all levels and those of community are achieved. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of human resource management in the 21st.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Organizational Performance, Training, Mentoring, Coaching
CITATION: Tantua, E. (2023). The role of human resource management for effective office operations. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 315 – 325.
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