This study established the influence of active continuance commitment on turnover intentions among health professionals of public national referral hospitals in Kenya. The study was supported by psychological ownership theory. Descriptive and correlational research designs were used and positivistic research philosophy followed. A target population of 3,641 health professionals was used to determine a sample of 349 respondents. Multistage sampling and proportionate stratified sampling techniques were used. Questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicated that active continuance commitment demonstrated strong positive and statistically significant relationship with turnover intentions. A positive and significant effect of active continuance commitment on turnover intentions were established. The study recommended that human resource managers and those of national referral hospitals could use the study to develop human resource policies, guidelines and code of conduct that can be followed by Health professionals. The findings can be used to develop training programs and performance service charters of organizations to deal with active continuance commitment issues. Ministry of Health leadership in the country can use the findings to enhance universal health coverage goals in Kenya. Health related parastatals and financial institutions may use the findings to develop appropriate training and development programs on continuance commitment.
Key Words: Health, Turnover, Continuance Commitment
CITATION: Ndambuki, S. M., Matata, K., Sasaka, P., & Ibua, M. (2023). Influence of active continuance commitment on turnover intentions among health professionals of national referral hospitals in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 355 – 366.
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