The aim of this study was to establish the influence of passive continuance commitment on turnover intentions among health professionals of public national referral hospitals in Kenya. The study was supported by theory of equity. Descriptive and correlational research designs were used and positivistic research philosophy followed. A target population of 3,641 health professionals was used to determine a sample of 349 respondents. Multistage sampling and proportionate stratified sampling techniques were used. Questionnaire was used to collect data. The finding showed that passive continuance commitment indicated a strong relationship with turnover intentions of health professionals. This indicated that for any public national referral hospital to maintain turnover intentions passive continuance commitment has to be improved. The study indicated that availability of alternative jobs elsewhere, the need of health workers to support their families and the benefits provided to workers stimulates them to leave or stay longer in national referral hospitals in Kenya. The study recommended that the findings can be used by Ministry of Health to enhance universal health care so as to achieve vision 2030 medical and public health targets. The study can be used by healthcare related parastatals or religious based organizations in the health sector to provide public and medical healthcare in Kenya. Measures to improve continuance commitment may include Motivation of employees to achieve self-driven goals by rewarding excellent performers and improvement of working conditions by replacing old and defaced machines, payment of employees prevailing market salaries in time and providing protective gears.
Key Words: Passive Continuance Commitment, Health, Healthcare, Hospitals
CITATION: Ndambuki, S. M., Matata, K., Sasaka, P., & Ibua, M. (2023). Influence of passive continuance commitment on turnover intentions among health professionals of national referral hospitals in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 367 – 379.
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