While there is strong impetus by the Government of Kenya to involve the citizens at the grass root level in county development projects, the County Governments in Kenya seem not to abide by these rules as public participation is still very low and poorly done. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of Information Sharing on Performance of development projects in Kisumu County. This study used the Stakeholder Theory and Sherry Arnstein’s Ladder of Participation Theory. Descriptive research design was applied. The target population for this study was Project Management Committee members and community members from the areas where the county government-initiated projects are implemented. The study used Yamane’s (1967) formula for calculating sample size from the population. The questionnaire was used as an instrument of primary data collection. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed in the study. Descriptive and inferential statistics was analyzed and the computation was done by use of SPSS version 24 in order to test the primary data that was collected to satisfy the objectives of study. Pilot study was conducted on members who were not part of the sample for the study in Kisumu County in order to find out the validity and reliability of the instruments used under the study. The results of the findings indicated Information Sharing influenced performance of development projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The study recommended the management of development projects to embrace the use of Information Sharing since it improves the development projects’ Performance. The study recommended for further studies on the same considering same variables but different methodologies.
Key words; Information Sharing, Citizen Participation, Performance
CITATION: Oyosi, D. I., & Warui, S. (2023). Information sharing on performance of development projects in Kisumu County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 499 – 511.
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