The main objective of this study was to determine the influence of Performance Management practices and Service Delivery guided by specific objectives of; to determine the influence of performances planning, influence of employee performance coaching, the influence of employee performance assessment, the relationship between employee performance recognition on service delivery of the National Police Service employees in Nairobi City County, Kenya. Positivism Research Philosophy was the research philosophy used in the study; Descriptive analysis design was also used. The target population of this study consisted of 133 employees from the National Police Service under 10 selected police formations in Nairobi City County. Census approach was adopted and all of them were considered in the study. The questionnaire was chosen as the data Collection instrument and was self-administered to all the respondents. A pilot test was carried out to test the data collection tool. The analysis used the most common metric of internal accuracy known as the cronbach’s alpha. Collected data was checked and coded for any errors or omissions, and entered into the SPSS version 24. Correlation analysis, ANOVA, and regression analysis both provided inferential statistical data and explained the impact of the interaction between the Success Assessment and Service Delivery. The hypotheses were tested at 95% confidence interval. The study established that during performance planning, the National Police Service objectives and performance goals were communicated to the employees and necessary training, resources, and support provided. The study concluded that Coaching at work required National Police Service to provide clarity by discussing and reviewing the gap between performance expectations and actual performance with the employees. The study recommended the use of performance appraisal for chalking out compensation packages for employees. Merit rating and compensation packages like bonus, high salary rates, extra benefits, allowances and pre-requisites were dependent on performance appraisal.
Key Words: Performances Planning, Employee Coaching, Employee Assessment, Employee Performance Recognition, Service Delivery, National Police Service
CITATION: Wekesa, H. K., Ndegwa, P., & Kiiru, D. (2023). Performance management practices and service delivery of the national police service employees in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 476 – 498.
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