Lead time as a new product development strategy has been an area of concern in many firms and especially those dealing with the fast moving goods. Studies involving lead time have been done, but this has taken place mainly in Europe. Most of the studies focused on quick packaging and intensified marketing as methods of reducing lead time. In addition to this, most studies used primary data collected through questionnaires and direct interviews. Further, research done in this area focused mainly on how time competition, reduced time and lead time as a marketing strategy may affect performance. On new product development, most of the previous research focused on financial market in relation to product development. In addition, most of them used face to face interviews except one which used questionnaires. Previous research mainly focused on customer, competitiveness and technological orientation in the process of product development. It is also clear that most of the research done in this area were mainly in European countries. With regards to improvement of the existing products, previous studies focused mostly on customer, competitiveness and technological orientation leaving out rate of change and pending changes in the process of new product development. Most of such researches have been done in European countries. Thus, there is need to conduct such a study in African countries in general and Kenya in particular. However from the review lead times affect organizational performance as per the findings of the review.
Key Words: Lead Time, Product Development and Organizational Performance
CITATION: Kaunda, K., & Otuya, W. (2023). Lead time, new product development strategy and organizational performance . The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (1), 679 – 686.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i1.2569
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