The main objective of this study was to assess the influence of performance appraisal on employee performance in Kenya. This study examined the present condition of performance assessment on employee performance in Kenya, using Kilifii County as a case study. The impact of performance assessment on employee work performance was highlighted in this study. The target population consisted all the permanent workers in Kilifi County which included the doctors, nurses, support staffs, administrative and management representatives and the researchers (KEMRI staffs working in Kilifii County Hospital). The research adopted census technique in data collection and the researcher also used sampling for some groups of respondents. The study involved 94 respondents for the study which includedi 4 doctors, 39 nurses, 27 support staffs and 18 researchers and 6 administrative and management representatives. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaires and interview guide and the collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics which uses Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The instruments reliability was tested using correlation coefficient. The data was then analyzed using descriptive statistical analytical tools like frequency distribution and multiple regression. The qualitative data was transcribed and arranged into several topics based on the study's aims. Frequency tables were used to illustrate the data. The study results indicated that training had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (β=0.170, p<0.05), Feedback mechanisms had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (β=0.263, p<0.05), Leadership style had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (β=0.231, p<0.05) and compensation had a positive and significant effect on employee performance (β=0.213, p<0.05). The study concluded that relevance of the objectives enables the health workers to attain the required level of performance. Communication between staff and managers assists in tracking over all employee performance. Employees prefer remunerative rewards asigood performance is observed and then rewarded, the chances of it being repeated are increased, while poor performance is discouraged or even punished to decrease the chance of it happening again. The study recommended that organizations should establish and adopt performance appraisal systems that would enable effectively appraisal of the employees and therefore providing opportunities to the management in identifying staff training needs, identify performance targets, improve employees performance and helping employees on time management through planning and setting of deadlines.
Key Words: Training, Feedback Mechanisms, Leadership Styles, Compensation, Performance Appraisal
CITATION: Menza, N. C., & Njoroge, J. G. (2023). Effects of performance appraisal on employee performance. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 182 –197.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i2.2599
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