This study aimed to investigate the impact of strategic human resource management on the performance of Nairobi City County's public universities. The theories that were used to guide the research included the Resource-Based View Theory, the Human Capital Theory, and the Balanced Scorecard. A descriptive research design was used for this investigation. The intended audience was teaching and non-teaching employees from Nairobi City County's public universities. The University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University, the Technical University of Kenya, the Multimedia University of Kenya, and The Co-operative University of Kenya were among them. The research included 9121 teaching and non-teaching personnel from the five universities. The Yamane method was used to obtain a sample size of 384 respondents. The study employed a stratified and simple random sampling approach. Primary data was gathered using standardized Likert-type scale surveys, while secondary data was gathered from published sources. The instruments for data collection were evaluated for their validity and reliability. Content validity was utilized to establish the validity, while the Cronbach alpha test, with a threshold of 0.70, was used to verify the instrument's reliability. The investigation included both descriptive and inferential data analysis. In the descriptive statistics, means, frequencies, percentages, and standard deviations were presented. Inferential statistics, correlation, and regression were utilized at a 5% significance level. The findings were presented in tables, and figures. The survey had a high response rate of 62% from stakeholders in public universities. The study found that strategic human resource management has a statistically significant positive impact on the performance of public universities. Specifically, strategic human resource management had a moderate positive correlation (r=0.362, p<0.01) and a statistically significant positive impact (B=0.301, Beta=0.362, p<0.01) on the performance of public universities in Nairobi City County. It is important to note that other factors not included in this analysis may also impact university performance. Further research may be necessary to comprehend the relationship between these variables and university performance fully.
Keywords: Strategic Human Resource Management, Training Systems, Change Management, Recruitment and Retention, Student Advocacy, University Ranking
CITATION: Giteru, A. M., & Bula, H. (2023). An empirical analysis of the relationship between strategic human resource management and performance: a perspective of public universities in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 383 –395.
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