The performance of organizations can be influenced by strategic decisions it makes in conducting its business. To improve performance in a competitive environment companies are required to put in place strategies that position itself in market dominance and improve the firm’s overall performance. Study objectives were to establish the influence of cost positioning, competitive positioning, quality positioning and value positioning on organizational performance of long distance public service vehicle in Mombasa County. The study found out that strategic positioning, competitive positioning, and quality positioning positively and significantly influence the performance of Long Distance Public Service Vehicles in Mombasa County while, cost positioning negative but significant effect performance of long distance public service vehicles in Mombasa County. It concluded that management should cultivate cost positioning, competitive positioning, quality positioning and value positioning so as to improve on the performance of long distance public service vehicle in Mombasa County.
Key Words: Strategic Decisions, Cost Positioning, Competitive Positioning, Quality Positioning, Value Positioning
CITATION: Lydia, S. P., & Kavale, S. (2023). Strategic positioning and organizational performance of long distance public service vehicles in Mombasa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 726–740.
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