This study assessed the effect of project management inclusion on the performance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Nairobi metropolitan, Kenya. The research was anchored by Stakeholder, Contingency and Resources-based view theory. The proposed assessment was based on descriptive research design. The target population comprised of (30) completed projects of NGOs in Nairobi metropolitan. (300) employees in the projects involving (30) project managers and (270) project team members were targeted. Stratified random sampling and purposive sampling technique were employed to select a sample size of (90) respondents. The findings indicated that management commitment has a significant effect on performance of NGO Projects (β=0.311; p<0.05). Resource allocation was found to have a significant influence on performance of NGO Projects (β=-0.325; p<0.05). Technical competence and stakeholders’ involvement both had a significant influence on performance of NGO Projects with (β=0.385; p<0.05) and (β=0.589; p<0.05) respectively. The study concluded that the commitment of management increases operations and performance. Moreover, resource allocation is a vital component of project success in any business. Financial and equipment deployment may have an effect on the project execution time and cost. Furthermore, technical competence is critical in project execution and hence its performance. Project team member who are engaged in the project execution must have requisite skills and knowledge on project management. Finally, capacity building is imperative in project planning because it allows stakeholders to gain competencies and abilities that will help them be more effective and long-term. The study recommended that effective project administration requires the managers to reveal commitment to their duty in order to lead the work process to greater achievement. The management should strive to provide resources needed to accomplish a task within required time. Team members who are involved in project execution require essential skills and knowledge on project administration. All stakeholders should be incorporated in all the stages of project life cycle for smooth execution of the project and success.
Keywords: Project Management Inclusion; Management Commitment; Resource Allocation; Technical Competency; Stakeholder Involvement
CITATION: Muriithi, G. M., & Kinoti, F. (2023). Project management inclusion and performance of non-governmental organizations in Nairobi Metropolitan. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 755–766.
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