The importance of disaster risk reduction (DRR) has increased globally as recent years have seen a marked rise in the incidence and effect of disasters that result in significant human and financial losses. The frequent large-scale losses to infrastructure and livelihoods brought on by these catastrophes and their catastrophic effects increase the poor condition, widen the gap between the haves and have-nots, and harm the process of sustainable development itself. Concerns about climate change, associated extreme weather, and their effects all worsen community resilience. Due to the nature and susceptibility of their means of subsistence, disasters and poverty are frequently believed to be closely associated and causally linked. These unequal disaster impacts are most common in communities and mostly affect their livelihoods. This study therefore intends to explore impact of community resilience on disaster risk reduction among community in Kilifi county. The study used cross sectional research design and targeted local community organizations and related stakeholders. The study used structured questionnaires to gather the information for the study which will be analyzed using descriptive analysis using the SPPS software. For qualitative data, thematic and content analysis was used. The data was then presented in tables, graphs and charts. Results showed integrated community development programmes, financial sector programmes and all-inclusive education programmes had positive significant impact on disaster risk reduction among rural coastal communities in Kilifi county. The study recommended that it was important for all stakeholders to incorporate integrated community development programs, financial sector programs and all-inclusive education programs to foster community resilience in disaster risk reduction. The researcher further suggested that further research by other scholars can be done on disaster risk management policy implications on disaster risk reduction
Keyword: Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Integrated Community Development, Education Program, Financial Management
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i2.2639
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