This study established the influence of E-procurement practices on operational performance of county governments in Turkana County. The objectives of the study were to determine the e-procurement practices employed by county governments in Turkana County and to examine the effect of e-procurement practices on the operational performance of county governments in Turkana County. Operational performance which was the dependent variable and E-procurement practices that consist of e-ordering, e-tendering, e-invoicing, e-sourcing and E-payment formed the independent variable. This study will adopt a cross sectional descriptive survey research design and the population was 41 respondents in Turkana County Government. The study used original data which was obtained through the use of a standardized questionnaire. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data from the respondents. Prior to the commencement of data collection, the study obtained all the necessary approvals, including an introduction letter from the University which necessitated application for a permit from the National Commission for Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI). Further, authority was sought from the county procurement officer to allow data collection from the department. Introduction letters were written to the departmental heads to allow collection of data from the sample concerned. The respondents were supplied with tools of data collection through the departmental heads, given time to respond and return them to their department heads for onward collection. The collected data was entered, edited, and analyzed by SPSS version 26.0 Descriptive statistics were presented in tables and graphs with frequencies and means used respectively. Qualitative data was analyzed thematically according to the respective specific themes in the objective. The study findings established that county government of Turkana has not implemented the E-procurement policy as required despite the procurement policy in place which requires all government entities to apply it. The study established that despite there being not a significant effect of E-procurement and procurement performance, E-sourcing and E-payment seemed to have a significant positive effect hence a predictor of procurement performance. The study Based on the study findings, the study recommends that the government to ensure that the e-procurement policy which is in place is implemented to the letter if procurement performance. The study further recommends that the county government should fully implement E-sourcing and E-procurement practices and they have been found to be a positive significant predictor of procurement performance.
Keyword: E-Procurement Practices, e-ordering, e-tendering, e-invoicing, e-sourcing, E-payment
CITATION: James, L. L., & Osoro, A. (2023). E-procurement practices and procurement performance in Turkana County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 882–900.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i2.2640
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