Corporate social responsibility, also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible business or corporate social performance, can be defined as the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time.
This research project investigated the relationship between corporate social responsibility and employees’ performance of Kenya’s state corporations: a case study of Kenya Power dwelling on employee training and employee motivation as the independent variables. The theories for the study included the shareholder’s theory, stakeholder’s theory and the social contract theory.
In research methodology the study used a case study research design. A total of 300 in population constituted of the top level, middle level and lower level management and a sample of 90 respondents was drawn using 30% of the total population. The study employed the structured questionnaires where the researcher personally delivered them. A statistical package for social science(SPSS) was used in data analysis and the findings presented in pie-charts, graphs and frequency distribution tables where after this the findings were summarized, concluded and recommendations given by the researcher.
Key Words: Employee Training, Employee Motivation, Employee Performance
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