The main aim of the study was to assess the role of governance practices on County Government Service Delivery in Kenya. With specific objective was to assess the role of citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency on County Government Service Delivery in Kenya. In order to meet the overall objective and test the study hypotheses the study adopted Cross sectional research design. The target population was derived from County budget and economic forum, elected Members of County assembly, workers union, county executive members and stakeholder’s groups by applying random sampling. The constitution office holders who include the controller of budget and commissioner of revenue allocation representative were all be purposively sampled. The researcher used questionnaires as instruments of collecting data from respondents in addition to analysis of external and internal policy documents to collect information on reporting. The researcher relied on questionnaires and interview guide in collecting data. The Data collected was processed and analyzed through use of both descriptive and correlation analysis. Which yielded a response rate of 100%. The independent variables attributed examined in the study were citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency. Descriptive analysis such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data which was summarized using figures and tables. Correlation analysis was used to examine the strength of the relationship between governance practices and County Government Service Delivery in Kenya and regression analysis was used to examine the nature of the relationship between governance practices, County Government Service Delivery in Kenya and moderating role of political influence. Prior to regression analysis tests for various assumptions were carried out, on overall 75.7% of the variation in County Government Service Delivery in Kenya can be explained by citizen participation, equity and inclusiveness, accountability, transparency while the remaining percentage can be explained by other factors excluded in the model. The findings of the study demonstrated that governance practices have effect on County Government Service Delivery in Kenya
Keyword: Citizen Participation, Equity and Inclusiveness, Accountability, Service Delivery
CITATION: Adan, H. K., & Samson Nyangau, S. (2023). Role of governance practices on county government service delivery in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1308 – 1325.
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