This study assessed the effect of performance appraisal on performance of employees in Nakuru County Government, Kenya. Descriptive research design was applied. The target population was 94 staffs of Nakuru County Government. The researcher used census study technique involving all the 94 purposively identified study respondents. The purposively selected respondents included all the county ministers, chief officers, sub county administrators, ward administrators and members of the county public service board. Primary and secondary data was considered. The researcher used questionnaires to collect primary data. The study examined that appraisal criteria, appraisal frequency, appraisal reward system and appraisal feedback had a positive significant influence on employee performance in Nakuru County Government, Kenya. In regard to appraisal criteria, the study concluded that the appraisal criteria are the aspects the employee is actually being evaluated on, which are tied directly to the employees’ job description. On appraisal frequency, the study concluded that by regularly reviewing and evaluating employee performance makes it easier to identify any skills gaps or areas where an employee may be struggling. On appraisal reward system, the study concluded that appraisal reward systems are a great way to identify areas where an employee may need additional training or support. On appraisal feedback, the study concluded that staff members provide feedback on how their team leads are doing. Providing feedback helps motivate employees to do well. In regard to appraisal criteria, the study recommended that the County should set clear goals, periodically discuss the progress made to control and debate on the feasibility of achieving those set objectives. On appraisal frequency, the study recommended that the frequency of appraisal feedback should be designed to be economical, less time-consuming to get maximum benefits and one that matches the needs of your organization. On appraisal reward system, the study recommended that the County should establish an assessment method, required competencies and job expectations need to be drafted for each employee and individual appraisals on employee performance should be conducted. On appraisal feedback, the study recommended that the County should appraisal feedback by involving the employee and making them feel like a valued part of the process.
Key Words: Appraisal Criteria, Appraisal Feedback, Appraisal Rewards, Appraisal Frequency, Appraisal Systems
CITATION: Nganga, G. N., & Anyieni, A. (2023). Employee performance appraisal system and employee performance In Nakuru County Government, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1295 – 1307.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i2.2667
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