Purpose: The main objective was to establish the effect of culture on resilience and performance of public health facilities in Kiambu county, Kenya.
Methods: The study reviewed extant literature on culture, resilience and performance of public health facilities in Kiambu county. Hofstede’s cultural model was used to evaluate cultural variables affecting resilience and performance of health facilities.
Results: Empirical review indicated that culture had a positive impact on the resilience and performance of public health facilities in Kiambu county.
Unique contribution to the theory, practice and policy: County management boards should seek to establish ad sustain performance culture in health institutions. This leads to resilient and sustainable public health services.
Key Words: Resilience, Culture, Kiambu county
CITATION: Wanjiku, K. N., & Kinyua, G. (2023). The mediating effect of culture on the relationship between organizational resilience and performance of health institutions in Kiambu County, Kenya. A review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1390 – 1396.
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