This study determined the impact of stakeholder Involvement on construction projects performance in the public universities within Nairobi City County. The study specific objectives were to examine the influence of government involvement, University management engagement, contractors’ involvement and community involvement on the performance of construction projects in public universities. The study used a descriptive research approach, with 80 respondents chosen at random from the four public universities in Nairobi County and the target population was 265 employees from the departments of procurement, finance, administration, legal office and user departments from the chosen universities. Structured questionnaires were used in gathering data, which was then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to determine connections among and between variables. The study found that government involvement, University Management engagement, contractor involvement and community involvement had a positive significant effect on the performance of construction projects in public universities. The study concluded that the government through a number of initiatives is requiring clients to change their procurement strategies and as a result force the construction companies to adopt more innovative approaches in the construction delivery process. The University management engagement is important because it is responsible for the determination of the objectives as well as the scope of the project which acts as a guide for the project employees. The responsibility of a contractor in construction is the execution of the work activities that are required for the completion of the project. Effective community engagement is a strategy or process that aligns interests and creates understanding for sustained mutual benefits of the project. The study recommended that the government clients generally have a major role to play both at the project and industry level. For effective engagement of University management there should be a proper definition of active role top management has throughout the project lifecycle. The organization should have a timely and effective onboarding process to assist in finding the right candidates and also save costs for a successful project. The development activities of the project should first prioritize the needs of the people.
Key Words: Government Involvement, University Management Engagement, Contractors’ Involvement, Community Involvement
CITATION: Moegi, F. K. N., & Mutuku, M. (2023). Stakeholder involvement and performance of construction projects in public universities in Nairobi City County. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (2), 1457 – 1469.
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