HRM models are mechanisms to investigate and understand the dynamics of HRM practices in cross- national contexts. Human resource is one of the most influential factors for any organisation to flourish and attain heights of development. Many researches have been conducted on human resource management (HRM) practices at different levels and it has been the field of interest for academics for several decades. Development and advancement of industries and innovative practices has empowered the organizations to retain and utilize the human resource successfully. HRM is generally defined as a concept that constitutes two primary approaches, the hard and soft approach. A hard HRM approach focuses on performance management and emphasizes an instrumental approach to managing employees. On the other hand, a soft approach to HRM focuses on trust, motivation, and empowerment involved in handling employees, considering individual contributors the most significant resource for an organization. The hard model of HRM was proposed by Fombrun, Tichy, and Devanna in Michigan University in 1984 which is also called the ‘Michigan School Model’. The main intention of this paper focusses on the matching model of HRM which is inclined to the hard HRM.
Keywords: Human Resource Management, Appraisal, Selection, Development, Reward
CITATION: Tamunimiebi, M. D., Nyedah, B. B., & Okoh, E. (2023). The matching model of human resource management: a conceptual review. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 23 – 34.
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