This work looked at the role of focus strategy on organization performance in four and five star hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya. The study was guided by McKinsey 7S Model. A descriptive research design was adopted with a target population of 66 general managers and assistant general managers of four and five star hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya. A census survey was used in the study. Data collection tool was questionnaires. Descriptive included mean and standard deviation, while inferential statistics included correlation and regression were used for analysis of quantitative data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 23.0 was used for data analysis. This study may be significant to the management in five star hotels in Nairobi County since it could complement efforts around formulation and deployment of appropriate plans to realize institutional goals, and secure relevance in the current dynamic business world. The study findings revealed that performance of four and five start hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya was significantly related with focus strategy. Focus strategy had positive influence on performance. The implication of these findings is that managers in four and five start hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya need to adopt focus strategy, which would positively contribute to performance. The study’s recommendation was that, the level 4 and 5-star hotel leaderships ought to recognize and utilize generic plans towards the enhancement of organizational success. According to the study, the leadership of Nairobi’s 4 and 5-star hotels plays a key contribution in the provision of advisory, knowledge and important data to the organization’s processes thus placing the organization in a strategic position competitively.
Key Words: Four and Five Star Hotels in Nairobi, Focus Strategy
CITATION: Nyambok, A.,Senaji, T. A., & Awino, D. O. (2023). Role of focus strategy on organization performance in four and five star hotels in Nairobi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 35 – 45.
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