This paper examined the interrelationship between human resource supply forecast and resilience of multinational oil and gas producing companies in Nigeria. Cross sectional survey was the research design used. Being a macro level study, mainly the executives of the multinational oil and gas producing companies provided information to this study, and the researcher studied all five (5) companies, thereby constituting the population and the executives who are fifty-two (52) in number constituted the sample size and respondents thereby adopting census population. Being a quantitative investigation, structured questionnaire was utilized to generate the primary data and Cronbach Alpha of 0.7 was hinged on as the reliability standard. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.0 aided the analysis of this study. While the Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient was relied on as the statistical tool used in ascertaining the degree and level of relationship in the hypothesis. The findings arrived at from this study depicted a positive correlation between human resource supply forecast and resilience of multinational oil and gas producing companies in Nigeria. The results showed that indeed human resource supply forecasting significantly impacted on measure of corporate resilience (dynamic capability). So therefore, the researcher recommended that both the human resource managers as well as the strategic planners of the multinational oil and gas producing companies ought to develop a talent pool (both internally and externally) comprising of manpower with diverse skills, competences, capabilities, abilities, etc. that they can rely on presently or in the future whenever the need arises, as this would greatly assist the multinational oil and gas producing companies in not only being resilient but also aid in the multinational oil and gas producing companies in gaining competitive edge over its rivals.
Key words: Dynamic Capability, Human Resource Supply Forecast, Resilience.
CITATION: Okeah, M. I. N. (2023). Human resource supply forecast and resilience of multinational oil and gas producing companies in Nigeria. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 121– 131.
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