SMEs sustainability is of increasing interest worldwide as many enterprises perform dismally and are of high mortality rates. It is therefore necessary to conduct research to enhance SMEs survival rates so as to enable the sector to optimally realize the numerous benefits associated with entrepreneurship practice. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of entrepreneurial competence practices and their impact on sustainability of SMEs in Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey design to realize the intended objectives. The target population under study was the 1015 registered SMEs in Embu County and its environs. The researcher applied stratified random sampling technique since the population was heterogeneous. The study employed questionnaires and document analysis guides to collect required data from a sample of 102 SMEs. The collected data was coded, quantified and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative data was analyzed by the use of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS) whilst qualitative data was analyzed by content analysis. A substantial number of respondents had not applied entrepreneurial competence practices in their business operations. The study also established that majority of respondents measured business sustainability in terms by trends in profit, increase number of customers as well as age of business. The study concludes that the key entrepreneurial competence practices were found to have a substantial impact on sustainability of SMEs in Embu town and its environs. However, constantly monitoring was found necessary to make the competencies learnt be translated into more practical work as most of the trained entrepreneurs were not fully utilizing the acquired competencies in their ventures to attain sustainable levels.
Key words: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Competence Practices, Sustainability
CITATION: Njiru,F. M. (2023). Effect of human resource management competence practices on sustainability of small and medium enterprises in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (3), 367 – 385.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i3.2711
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