Millennials are avid users of technology giving them a platform to transition from local to global buyers via social media use therefore blurring boundary between consumer private life and marketing. While dispositions and consumers capabilities have an influence on brand loyalty few studies have positioned culture as moderator among the millennials. This study examined the moderation effect on the relationship between customer dispositions and enablers influencing brand loyalty among the millennials in the Kenyan private universities. Studies indicate that culture influences brand loyalty but its moderating effect is not known among millennials given their attitudes and capabilities. A descriptive research design using Hofstede Cultural Dimension was adopted to anchor the study. 399 millennials aged 23 to 43 studying at 19 chartered private universities students were targeted using a multi-stage sampling method via a self-administered Likert scale questionnaire. Additionally, Hierarchal Structural Equation Modeling Regression Analysis and Hayes PROCESS used to analyze the data. Results showed that consumer culture does not moderate the relationship between customer dispositions, enablers and toothpaste brand loyalty among millennials. They have a youth culture, avoid have perceived high-quality brands and opt for relevant cheaper one. They revere emotional connected brands which have built high switching costs. Managers should understand youth culture to formulate effective strategies for optimizing the millennials brand loyalty. Future research should explore the influence of culture and social media impact on shaping loyalty tendencies not only among millennials.
Keywords; Customer Dispositions, Customer Enablers, Toothpaste, Brand Loyalty, Millennials and Consumer Socialization.
CITATION: Thaisaiyi, Z. O., Gesimba, P., & Njanja, L. (2023). Consumer culture moderating effect on customer dispositions, enablers on toothpaste brand loyalty among millennials in Kenyan Private Universities. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 174 – 188.
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