Organizations clearly recognize that human resource information systems improve HR efficiency and hence organizational performance. This has resulted in the increasing adaptability of these systems, but methods of quantifying their efficiency on performance are unknown. The study sought to examine the effect of human resource information system standards on performance of public universities in Kenya. The study used a descriptive research design comprising of qualitative and quantitative data. The target population comprised of 39 public universities in Kenya. The unit of observation comprised of 156 respondents comprised of management and subordinate staff. Primary data was collected using structured self-administered questionnaires. Reliability of the research instrument was ascertained using Cronbach Alpha. Validity was established using content and construct validity. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics with aid of SPSS 26. Descriptive analysis used includes; frequencies, Mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation and percentages while inferential analysis involved correlation analysis and linear regression analysis to test hypothesis at a significance level of 0.05. Regression analysis indicated that human resource information system standards had a statistically significant effect on performance of public universities in Kenya. The study concluded that human resources information system standards influence performance of public universities. The study recommends that managers of public universities should fully implement human resources information system standards in their institutions and encourage their employees to train and use it. The study further recommends increased budgetary allocation for ICT in public universities to fund development of more ICT infrastructure through acquisition of the right ICT tools and deployment of the right ICT skills through capacity building. Public universities should come up with clear policies on staff training so as to build capacities in workforces who are enabled though use of human resources information systems to improve performance.
Key Words: Human Resource, Information System Standards, Performance, Public Universities
CITATION: Kimani, R. W., & Gathenya, J. (2023). Human resource information system standards and performance of public universities in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 556 – 568.
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