The mining industry plays a crucial role in the economic development of Rwanda, and the success of mining projects depends on a variety of factors, including stakeholder capacity building. This research focuses on the influence of stakeholder capacity building on the performance of mining projects in Rwanda, with a specific case study of African Panther Resources Limited. African Panther Resources Limited, a prominent mining company operating in Rwanda, provides an illustrative case for understanding the role of stakeholder capacity building in mining project performance. The study was based on Resource Based View Theory. This study employs a mixed-method research approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of capacity-building initiatives on various stakeholders involved in African Panther Resources' mining projects. The study targeted 96 participants in project management (n=96) from African Panther limited. Secondary information was gathered from records obtained from African Panther Resources Limited. In addition, questionnaires were distributed to gather primary data. Respondents' experiences and insights were used as the basis for analysis and interpretations of the research. Participants were subjected to a variety of methods and incentives, including questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Every factor helped bring about a new variable. The research asked for a thorough evaluation of the instruments' content and face validity. The test-retest method was used to guarantee accuracy. The devices' dependability was calculated using the Cronbach's coefficient. Indicative of the tools' dependability was a test value of 0.7 or above. Concurrent triangulation was used to increase the reliability of the study's findings. Non-numerical instruments' credibility was determined by an in-depth interview approach. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used in the analysis of quantitative data, and tables and figures were used to display the results. Descriptive statistical tests encompass measures such as percentages, frequencies, and counts, whereas inferential statistical tests involve the application of multiple regression. The study of qualitative data involved the use of thematic analysis techniques, resulting in the presentation of findings in narrative form accompanied by verbatim citations. Firstly, the majority of respondents strongly agree (54.7%) that these programs effectively enhance communication and collaboration among project teams and stakeholders, while 37.3% agree to some extent, reflecting their positive influence (M = 4.47, SD = .644). Additionally, the training programs related to mining project management also garner substantial support, with 57.3% of respondents agreeing to their effectiveness (M = 4.55, SD = .552). Moreover, the research highlights that the training and development initiatives significantly contribute to the overall success of mining projects, with 54.7% agreement (M = 4.49, SD = .601). Adequate resources and support for stakeholder capacity building are considered vital, as 54.7% of respondents affirm their provision (M = 4.49, SD = .601). The study shows that 50.7% of stakeholders agree that the programs are regularly assessed and improved, underlining a dynamic approach to capacity building (M = 4.48, SD = .554). Lastly, the research finds strong endorsement (65.3%) for the idea that the skills and knowledge gained through capacity building positively impact project operations' quality and efficiency (M = 4.64, SD = .510). The study concludes that effective capacity building fosters better collaboration and communication among stakeholders, including government agencies, local communities, investors, and non-governmental organizations. This collaboration is crucial for aligning interests, mitigating conflicts, and ensuring that mining projects align with broader development goals. The study recommends that mining companies in Rwanda should develop and implement customized training programs for different stakeholder groups, including government officials, local communities, and employees. These programs should focus on the specific needs and challenges of each group, such as environmental conservation, safety standards, and revenue management.
Keywords: Stakeholder capacity building, Project performance, Mining projects, African Panther limited, Rwanda.
CITATION: Umutesi, S., Wanjiku, C., & Bwankarikari, E. (2023). Influence of stakeholder capacity building on performance of mining projects in Rwanda. A case study of African Panther Resources Limited. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 668 – 681.
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