This study examined the influence of practices of knowledge management on employee performance at Sireet Outgrowers Empowerment and Producer Company Limited in Nandi County. The specific objectives included knowledge sharing, knowledge culture, knowledge IT tools and knowledge creation. The theory anchoring the study included knowledge based view and supported by the resource-based view theory. The study took an explanatory and cross-sectional survey designs. Census survey of all 60 employees formed the sample size and was involved in answering the structured questionnaire. A pilot test was done using 6 respondents who checked for validity and reliability of the research instrument. The researcher collected the data and conducted analysis that included descriptive, correlation and regression. The findings were presented in tables and prose form for deliberations. The study found that knowledge management practices of knowledge sharing, knowledge culture, knowledge IT tools and knowledge creation influenced the performance of employees at the of Sireet Outgrowers Empowerment & Producer Company Limited in Nandi County. Knowledge IT tools had the largest influence on employee performance, followed by knowledge creation, knowledge culture and knowledge sharing. The study concluded that knowledge management practices had positive and significant influence on employee performance. The study recommends that the management of Sireet Company in Nandi County to embrace knowledge management practices as it seeks to improve performance of its employees. The management should invest in training programs for creation and sharing of information, develop firm structures and practices that create, share and utilize knowledge for improvement in performance of employees. Other organizations seeking to improve performance of its employees in embrace practices under knowledge management. This can be done through formal and informal trainings, investing in technological systems and tools, embrace cultures and practices for creating, sharing and using knowledge.
Key Words: Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Culture, Knowledge IT Tools, Knowledge Creation
CITATION: Rotich, J. J., & Mutuku, M. K. (2023). Knowledge management practices and employee performance of Sireet Outgrowers Empowerment and producer company limited in Nandi County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1114 – 1134.
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