Construction projects, by their nature, are subject to a multitude of challenges and uncertainties that can significantly affect their success. In the context of Rwanda's rapidly evolving construction industry, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and unforeseen challenges has emerged as a critical factor in project performance. This research study investigated the impact of adaptive planning on construction project performance in Rwanda, with a specific emphasis on the practices of Cheetah Construction Services Ltd, a prominent construction firm in the country. The study was guided by the Theory of Constraints. A descriptive survey method was used for this study. One hundred and twenty respondents with experience in project management made up the study's primary emphasis. A sample size of 93 respondents was determined using Slovin’s formula Secondary information was gathered for this study from records kept by the Cheetah Construction Company in Rwanda. In addition, questionnaires were sent to gather primary data. Respondents' experiences and insights formed the basis for the study's analysis and interpretations. Different approaches and incentives were used in the surveys, interviews, and observations with the participants. Participants were asked to critically evaluate the instruments' face-to-face and content validity for the researcher. To assure reliability, the researcher used a test-retest strategy. Reliability was calculated using the Cronbach's coefficient. Indicative of the tools' dependability would be a test value of 0.7 or above. Concurrent triangulation was used to increase the reliability of the study's findings. The data was collected through the use of a structured questionnaire, and subsequent analysis made use of descriptive statistics. Inferential analysis and Pearson's correlation analysis was used to assess the degree of association between the two sets of variables. The study used SPSS tool version 25 to analyze the data. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used to analyze quantitative data, and tables and figures was used to display the results. Percentages, rates, and counts are under the purview of descriptive statistical tests, while multiple regression is used in inferential statistical analyses. The results of this thematic analysis of qualitative data were presented in narrative style with direct quotations from the sources used to support them. The results indicated that several key elements play a role in project performance. The unstandardized coefficient for the constant (1) is 4.161 (t = 6.870, p < .001), indicating that when adaptive planning is zero, the expected value of the dependent variable, which was the performance of construction projects, was 4.161. However, the coefficient for adaptive planning was 0.065 (t = 0.495, p = .622), with a standardized coefficient (Beta) of 0.052. This suggested that there is no statistically significant relationship between adaptive planning and the performance of construction projects. The study culminated in recommendations for Cheetah Construction Services Ltd to enhance their adaptive planning strategies and subsequently improve project performance in Rwanda. It serves as a valuable resource for construction industry professionals, policymakers, and stakeholders seeking to foster resilient and successful construction projects in the dynamic context of Rwanda. In conclusion, this research underscores the significance of adaptive planning in the construction sector, shedding light on its potential to mitigate risks, enhance project outcomes, and foster sustainable development in Rwanda's evolving construction landscape.
Keywords: Adaptive planning, Construction project performance, Rwanda construction industry, Cheetah Construction Services Ltd.
CITATION: Rangira, U. J., & Gathiru, M. K. (2023). Effect of adaptive planning on performance of construction projects in Rwanda. A case of cheetah construction services Ltd. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1135 – 1150. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i4.2809
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i4.2809
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