This study examined the effect of functional-level strategies on the performance of Safaricom PLC, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine the effect of marketing strategies on the performance of Safaricom PLC, Kenya; to establish the effect of human resource strategies on the performance of Safaricom PLC, Kenya; to determine the effect of financial strategies on the performance of Safaricom PLC, Kenya and to establish the effect of operational strategies on the performance of Safaricom PLC, Kenya. The study was anchored on the Balanced Score Card Model, Resource-based View Theory, and Mintzberg’s Strategy. The study adopted a descriptive survey design, with the targeted population as 2262 senior-level employees from Safaricom PLC. The study sample was derived using the systematic sampling technique to obtain 153 employees as respondents. Primary data was collected using structured closed-ended questionnaires, before the actual study a validity and reliability test was be performed during the pilot stage to ascertain that the data collected is valid. After obtaining data, the data was coded and entered into the SPSS version 26 statistics software which was used as the tool of analysis. A descriptive model was used to analyse data and establish the relationship between functional strategies and performance. All ethical measures and guidelines were adhered to throughout the study period. From the study findings, the study independent variables; human resource strategies, marketing strategies, financial strategies and operational strategies were all found to affect performance. The measures that stood out negatively were position of Safaricom PLC in the current market and promotion of employees, although Safaricom seems to be the market leader, competitors have found a way to eat into its market share while most employees seemed to strongly disagree on there being promotional strategies within the organization. The study therefore concluded that all the variables used in the present study are fundamental for organization performance in the telecommunication industry. Further, the study recommended that Safaricom PLC come up with strategies that will ensure it is fully in control of its market share, it should also find a way to implement promotion strategies within the organization. The study recommended that further studies be conducted in other telecommunication companies in Kenya to see whether the variables used in this study similarly affect them.
Key Words: Marketing Strategies, Human Resource Strategies, Financial Strategies, Operational Strategies
CITATION: Opar, J. A., & Mwasiaji, E. (2023). Functional level strategies and performance of Safaricom Public Limited Company, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1306 – 1318.
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