Weak laws, poor financial management, leadership, governance, and political intervention are only a few of the numerous problems plaguing the co-operative societies sector in Kenya and, specifically, those operating in Garissa County. Consequently, SACCOs in Garissa County have used a variety of strategic solutions in an effort to boost their operational effectiveness, although the true impact of these measures remains unclear. In this light, The specific objectives guiding this study were: to determine the effect of innovation strategies on operational performance of SACCOs in Garissa County, to assess the effect of customer relations management on operational performance of SACCOs in Garissa County, to determine the effect of staff training on operational performance of SACCOs in Garissa County and to assess the effect of product pricing on operational performance of SACCOs in Garissa County. The overarching goal of this research was to learn how strategic responses have influenced the efficiency and effectiveness of SACCOs in Garissa County. The study was anchored on the following theory open systems approach theory, institutional theory, resource based view. The study used descriptive research design. The population consisted of 250 workers at 10 different SACCOs across Garissa County. A sample of 154 workers and 10 managers were randomly chosen for the research. The questionnaire were used to collect primary data from the institutions' administration by the researcher. Descriptive statistics such as Central tendency and dispersion measurements, such as standard deviation and mean were used. Inferential statistics such as regression and correlations were used. Tables and graphs were used to present numerical information, with accompanying text providing context. The study showed that a significant positive link was also found between strategic innovation indicators and the successes of public institutions, customer relations management strategies have a significant effect on operational performance, staff training strategies had significant effect on operational performance and product pricing strategies significantly influenced operational performance. The study recommended that policy makers and strategists working for SACCOs operating in Garissa County should give more weight on innovation strategies when making decisions on strategic responses.
Key Words: Innovation, Customer Relations, Training, Pricing
CITATION: Sheikh, S. A., & Kiiru, D. (2023). Strategic responses and operational performance of Savings and Credit Co-operative Societies in Garissa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1337 – 1355.
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