This study looked at the influence of workforce agility on performance of insurance companies in Nairobi city county, Kenya. The study was anchored on social exchange theory, ability, motivation and opportunity theory and attribution theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The population of the study was drawn from the 59 insurance companies whose head offices are in Nairobi City County. The study utilized questionnaires to obtain primary data. The data collection instruments were tested for validity and reliability. The analysis was in both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics included mean, and standard deviation which represented measures of distribution, central tendencies, and dispersion respectively. Inferential statistics took the form of Spearman rank correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis. The researcher ensured that participation in the study was only on informed consent basis and the consenting participants did so on voluntary basis. The study revealed that proactive behaviors, adaptive behaviors, generative behaviors and resilient behaviors significantly affected the performance of insurance companies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study concluded that proactive employees lead to higher productivity and efficiency by driving performance and innovation of teams and organizations and boosts individuals’ well-being and careers. Being adaptable shows the employer that the employees are able to handle new changes and challenges with ease. Employees with a generative mindset have conscious leadership over unconscious ego drive of which they are not aware. Resilience reduces employee burnout and turnover and helps ensure that the talent you need to care for customers, to deliver product, to grow organization is ready and able to contribute. The study recommended that the organization should give employees the freedom to decide how and when to work on each task and the opportunity to come up with original ideas and act on them. The organization should encourage employees to be aware of changes in the work environment. The organization should conduct empathy interviews to gain a greater understanding of an employee’s untapped gifts, contributions, and talents.
Key Words: Proactive Behaviors, Adaptive Behaviors, Generative Behaviors, Resilient Behaviors
CITATION: Waweru, M. M., & Kiiru, D. (2023). Workforce agility and performance of insurance companies in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1356 – 1372.
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