This study investigated the influence of employee development practices on employee effectiveness in commercial banks in Garissa County, Kenya. The specific objectives were to examine the effect of training, promotion, job enrichment, and job rotation on the effectiveness of employees in commercial banks in Garissa County, Kenya. Team effectiveness model and human capital theory served as the study's guiding principles. The research design for this study was descriptive survey. Eight branches of Commercial banks located in Garissa County were the subject of the analysis, and the 55 branch workers were the subject of observation. In this study, the target population was 241 employees comprising of the top management, middle level management and support staff. Krejcie and Morgan (9170) method was used to determine a sample size of 148 respondents. Stratified proportion sampling technique was hence used in this study. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires. Face validity was determined using expert opinion while the reliability of the instrument was determined using cronbach’s alpha coefficient whereby alpha coefficient obtained was of 0.8 which was considered to be reliable. Data collected was quantitative and was analyzed by both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics used was mean and standard deviation while inferential statistics was done using a multiple regression analysis. The results are presented in form of tables. The findings of this study were that human development practices of training, promotion and job enrichment have a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of employees, while job rotation has a moderate effect on employee effectiveness. The conclusion of the study was that human resource management of commercial banks should ensure that employees are developed in relation to the work, tasks that employees are given and that job rotation to be effective it has to be inter-branch rotations and not rotation within the branch. The recommendation was that first, commercial banks should develop training modules specific to the branches for them to be effective. Secondly, training to include job rotation policy.
Key Words: Training, Promotion, Job Enrichment, Job Rotation
CITATION: Maow, R. M., & Muli, J. (2023). Employee development practices and employee effectiveness in commercial banks in Garissa County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1272 – 1289. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v10i4.2823
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