This study examined the influence of critical success factors on project performance of Kenya Airport Authority. The study was anchored on resource based theory, systems theory and change theory. The study utilized descriptive research design. Staff of KAA who partook in the projects made up the target population for this study based on purposive sampling techniques. Stratified sampling technique was used to select respondents. The data collection was done using questionnaires. Data gathering tools were tested for validity and reliability. Both descriptive and inferential analysis were used to examine the data. The study was conducted with strict adherence to ethical standards. The study discovered that the Kenya Airports Authority's project performance was positively and significantly impacted by stakeholder involvement, management commitment, resource availability, and project team competence. The study concluded that teams can complete a project on time and only use the resources necessary to achieve each goal when there are resources available. All team members are encouraged to contribute to the project by offering original ideas when there is project team competence. For project managers, the management commitment is essential because it offers the tools and resources needed to finish a project successfully, and involving stakeholders facilitates more informed decision-making that considers the various needs of stakeholders, including customers. According to the study, the organization should use the project plan to identify the activities required to meet the project's objectives and generate deliverables in order to determine the project's resource requirements. The company should register for conferences, webinars, and seminars as well as training courses to improve the project team members' project management skills. It is imperative that the organization's senior managers take an active role in project management, as their support is crucial to the success of the initiative. To identify its stakeholders, the organization needs to perform a comprehensive stakeholder analysis. The company needs to learn about its internal stakeholders, which include its direct employees, suppliers, contractors, larger partners, and shareholders.
Key Words: Resource Availability, Management Commitment, Team Competence, Stakeholder Involvement
CITATION: Wesonga, A. W., & Gachengo, L. (2023). Critical success factors and project performance at Kenya Airports Authority, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 10 (4), 1373 – 1387.
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