This research examined the impact of collaborative project management on the performance of Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunity Project in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The study had four goals, all of which pertained to the project's performance: better understanding the impact of communication, project planning, leadership, and change management. The study used a descriptive research design, underpinned on system theory, the theory of constraints, and the theory of contingencies. Project managers (18), project operation employees (117), and project stakeholders (30) served as the units of observation, while the Kenya Youth Employment and Opportunity Project (KYEOP) itself served as the unit of analysis. Data was gathered through the use of a standardized questionnaire, and SPSS used to analyze both descriptive and inferential statistics, while content analysis for qualitative data. A response rate of 80.06% was achieved. The results on multi-collinearity and heteroscedasticity on the variables understudy revealed no problems hence gives a go ahead to conduct the analysis. Additionally, through Pearson correlation, all variables exhibited a weak positive correlation with project performance with R value indicating a weak correlation between the observed and predicted values which translated to 47.9% of the variability in the dependent variable accounted for by the independent variables in the model. Further, multi-regression analysis result suggested that communication, project planning, leadership and change management were statistically significant and all had a positive impact on the project performance. The study therefore, recommended project manager to prioritize with communication channels, and ensure communication planning are laid down and maintained through the project cycle. Secondly, the study recommended that proper planning were necessary during pre-construction, during construction and post construction and this could be useful for construction stakeholders and professionals. Thirdly, the study recommended that management category, stakeholders, professionals and casual workers to identify, empower leadership, and have self confidence in someone’s abilities to enhance project performance. Lastly, the study recommended, further studies to explain pros and cos of change management in relation to firm performance.
Key Words: Communication, Project Planning, Leadership, Change Management
CITATION: Gasper, N. O., & Kinoti, F. (2024). Collaborative project management and project performance: a case of Kenya Youth Employment Opportunity Project in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 378 – 397.
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