Effective strategy implementation practices are fundamental drivers of organizational performance. This study determined the strategy implementation practices on the performance of NTSA. The NTSA faces challenges such as resistance from transport operators who are unwilling to comply with regulations and laws. This has led to increased accidents and fatalities on the roads. Besides, poor coordination with other government agencies, such as the police and county governments had made it difficult to enforce transport laws and regulations effectively. This has led to confusion and conflicts between the authority and other stakeholders, such as the police and county governments. Consequently, this research ascertained how the national transport and safety authority of Kenya performs in relation to strategy implementation techniques. The precise objectives of the research were to ascertain the effect of resource allocation, strategic leadership, employee empowerment and communication on the performance of NTSA. The study was guided by balance scorecard model, the goal setting theory, leadership theory, resource-based view theory and cybernetics theory. The research adopted the use of descriptive study design. The unit of analysis was National Transport and Safety Authority. The unit of observation was 172 employees working with the National Transport and Safety Authority. This study employed a stratified sampling technique to sample respondents, with respondents being sampled based on their respective organizations. Then, using a simple random sampling method, a random sample from each stratum was selected proportionally. All of the selected respondents completed questionnaires that were utilized for gathering primary data. The reliability of the questionnaire was evaluated through the Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient. A content analysis approach was utilized to assess the qualitative data and convey it in narrative form. When appropriate, descriptive statistics like mean and standard deviation was employed to analyze quantitative data, which then was displayed in the form of tables, pie charts, and bar graphs. The research employed inferential statistics to ascertain the link between variables via the utilization of multiple regression and correlation analysis.
Key Words: Resource Allocation, Strategic Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Communication
CITATION: Diis, A. H., & Kiiru, D. (2024). Strategy implementation practices and performance of National Transport and Safety Authority in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 539 – 558.
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