The main objective was to establish the effect of external auditing on the firm performance of financial institutions in Rwanda. Under four specific objectives; the first was to determine the effect of financial statement audit on firm performance of bank of Kigali, head quarter, the second was to establish the effect of compliance audit on firm performance of bank of Kigali head quarter, the third was to investigate the effect of performance audit on firm performance of bank of Kigali, head quarter and the forth was to investigate the moderating effect of skilled employees on the relationship between external auditing and the financial firm performance of bank Kigali, head quarter. In order to conduct clearly our research study we formulated the following hypothesis; Ho1 financial audit has no significant effect on firm performance of bank of Kigali, head quarter.Ho2 compliance audit has no significant effect on firm performance of bank of Kigali head quarter.Ho3 Performance audit has no significant effect on firm performance of bank of Kigali head quarter. H04 skilled employees has no significant moderating effect on the relationship between external auditing and the financial firm performance of bank of Kigali head quarter. The explanatory research design was applied. Data was collected from both primary and secondary source where the primary data was collected using questionnaire and secondary data was collected using documentation techniques. The target population of was 87 employees of bank of Kigali head quarter. A sample size of 87 employees was selected using universal sampling technique. The results from the table 11 indicated that the ANOVA statistics show that (F=198.977, p = .000b), the p-value (0.000) is less than the level of significance (0.05). Hence, the study concluded that the skilled employees, Performance audit, Compliance audit, Financial statement audit has a significant effect on firm performance of bank of Kigali, head quarter (ROE). Then alternative hypothesis were accepted while null hypothesis were rejected. The study concluded that the skilled employees, Performance audit, Compliance audit, Financial statement audit has a significant effect on firm performance of bank of Kigali, head quarter (ROE). Then alternative hypothesis were accepted while null hypothesis were rejected.
Key Terms: Audit, External auditing, firm performance, and financial institutions
CITATION: Dushimimana, S., & Twesige, D. (2024). Effect of external auditing on firm performance of financial institutions in Rwanda: A case of Bank of Kigali, head quarter. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 589 – 614. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i1.2874
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