Project communication is a critical component of project implementation since it ensures the conveyance of information to all essential stakeholders. The aviation industry has been experiencing drastic growth in commercial activity all over the world which has placed more demands on the existing communication equipment to handle more complex communication and led to the increment in the number of errors. This study sought to determine the influence of communication on the performance of aviation projects in Nairobi County, Kenya. Its specific objectives include: to determine the influence of communication technology and communication plans on the performance of aviation projects in Nairobi County, Kenya. It applied a descriptive research design describing the characteristics of 181 individuals at nine projects overseen by the KCAA. The study used a questionnaire. The data was examined using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to conduct regression analysis, descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The results were then presented using tables. According to the study, communication plans is the strongest determinant of project performance followed by communication technology. It recommended that the aviation organisations need to invest in adequate security mechanisms such as the incorporation of a security management system in order to secure their connected technology against cyber criminals. More efforts are needed to ensure that advances in aeronautical communication technology lead to increasing network diversity within aviation organisations. Aviation organisations in the country need to lobby the legislators to provide legislative support for more current Air-To-Ground (ATG) mobile communication technology.
Keywords: Communication Technology, Communication Plans, Performance, Aviation Projects
CITATION: Ochieng, L., & Wabala, S. (2024). Communication and the performance of aviation projects in Nairobi Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (1), 138 – 150.
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