The influence of curriculum development and implementation on the performance of public secondary schools is a critical area of study, particularly in regions like Wajir East Sub-County, Kenya, where educational outcomes face various challenges. This study investigated the impact of curriculum development and implementation on the performance of public secondary schools in Wajir East Sub-County. Using a descriptive survey research methodology, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from 15 public secondary schools in the sub-county, involving 255 educators, 15 principals, and 15 board of management (BOM) members, totaling 285 respondents. Data collection tools included principal interview guidelines and teacher questionnaires, which underwent pilot testing to ensure validity and reliability. The findings revealed significant relationships between the examined variable and school performance. Curriculum development and implementation was found to positively influence school performance, with an emphasis on aligning the curriculum with national standards, providing adequate teacher training, and promoting student-centered teaching methods. Based on the study findings, several recommendations were proposed to improve school curriculum development and implementation. These included prioritizing curriculum alignment with national standards.
Key Words: Curriculum Development, Curriculum Implementation
CITATION: Abdinoor, S. Y., & Chui, M. M. (2024). Curriculum development and implementation and public secondary schools performance in Wajir East Sub-County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 171 – 182.
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