The main objective of this research was to find out the effects of the methods used by Plan International, Machakos County, Kenya, to track and evaluate its successful child protection projects. The study's objectives included assessing the effectiveness of Plan International Kenya's child protection programs as a whole, as well as individually: M&E design and planning; staff capacity development; stakeholder participation; and baseline surveys. The study assessed the theories of change, resource base management, and program theory, as well as the empirical reviews relevant to this topic. To avoid missing any important details about the issue at hand, this study adopted a mixed-method research design. Participants in Plan International Kenya’s child protection endeavor were the focus of this research. The research utilized a simple random sampling method to ensure that it is reflective of the population as a whole. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were evaluated using Cronbach's Alpha. Regression analysis was done using the analysis of variance technique (ANOVA). The results revealed that M&E planning and design had positive and substantial regression coefficient values of (0.486), stakeholder’s inclusion had (0.412), M&E capacity building (0.353) and M&E baseline surveys (0.427). Diagnostic test including multi-collinearity were conducted and this study found the data had no collinearity as shown by (VIF<10) for all variables. Based on the study’s findings and conclusion, this study recommends that that the management of the plan international child’s protection programs in liaison with other key policy stakeholders should ensure that work breakdown structure is followed based on the budgetary allocations in order to ensured timely completion of the projects. In addition, M&E Policy should be implemented by ensuring policies on ethical values are upheld and new policies developed by the expenditure management officers which helps to enhance expenditure management. Lastly, future study should concentrate on other M&E methods not included in this study including project progress monitoring, quality monitoring, risk monitoring, and cost monitoring.
Key Words: Monitoring and evaluation practices, Project Performance
CITATION: Mutua, L. M., & Gachengo, L. (2024). Monitoring and evaluation practices and performance of child protection project in Plan International, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 642 – 660.
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