This study determined the influence of corporate governance mechanisms on performance in agricultural state corporations in Kenya. The study was guided by theory of employee engagement as postulated by William Kahn. The study adopted causal research design. Sampling was done using stratified proportionate random sampling and simple random sampling. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Inferential statistics such as regression and correlation analysis were used whereby correlation analysis was done using Pearson’s Product Moment to establish the relationship between independent and dependent variables and regression analysis was conducted using simple linear, Multiple linear and hierarchical regression models. Hierarchical regression was used to analyse the moderating variable. Qualitative data collected from open ended statement was analysed using content analysis and presented using narrations and verbatim. Quantitative data was presented using graphs, charts and tables. The results indicated that corporate governance mechanisms have significant positive effect on performance. This was supported by B-coefficients Disclosure β1=0.253, P=0.000; Risk management β2=0.194, P=0.000; Stakeholder engagement β3=0.306, P=0.000; Corporate social responsibility β4=0.189, P=0.001. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.662, P=0.000 and this shows that 66.2% of the variations in the performance can be explained by the four predictor variables. Hierarchical regression analysis moved adjusted r –square from 65.2% (unmoderated R square=0.652, P=0.000) to 79.7% (Moderated R square=0.797, P=0.000) representing a significant 14.5% change in R square before and after introduction of organizational culture as a moderator. The study concluded that organizational culture has significant moderating effect of organizational culture on the relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. Therefore, the study recommended that the management should ensure that the EVP is aligned seamlessly with the core values and principles of the organizational culture. Further, management should embed the EVP within a values-driven organizational culture, promote and reinforce behaviors that align with the EVP, emphasizing the importance of values in day-to-day operations.
Key Words: Disclosure, Risk Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Corporate Social Responsibility
CITATION: Ondiba D. M., Miroga, J., & Juma, D. (2024). Corporate governance and performance of agricultural state corporations in Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1007 – 1027.
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