This study examined how operational efficiency affects Kenya Airports Authority’s performance. The research employed a descriptive research design. The targeted population for the study was 267 staff employed at Kenya Airports Authority. The study adopted dis-proportionate stratified sampling for selecting 161 sampled participants based on departments. The study employed semi-structured questionnaires for collecting primary data. Data coding and entry was done with SPSS assistance to prepare the data for analysis. The analysis of the gathered quantitative data was through descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviations. In addition, content analysis method was utilized to analyses the qualitative data, and the findings were presented in the form of paragraphs. Further, inferential statistics were done inform of multiple regression analysis. The study established that process optimization has a significant effect on organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority (B=0.765; p=0.000). The study found that service automation has a significant effect on organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority (B=0.730; p=0.000). It was established that resource management has a significant effect on organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority (B=0.696; p=0.000). The study established that stakeholders’ collaboration has a significant effect on organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority (B=0.793; p=0.000). The study concluded that process optimization, service automation, resource management and stakeholders’ collaboration significantly affect organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority. The study recommends that management at Kenya Airports Authority should provide adequate staff training geared towards supporting process optimization initiatives. The study also recommended that there is need for government of Kenya through KAA to initiate and expedite the implementation of automated passport control systems and automated security checks like biometric screening in every airport in Kenya.
Key Words: Optimization, Service Automation, Resource Management, Stakeholders’ Collaboration
CITATION: Kulei, A., & Kimencu, L. (2024). Operational efficiency and organizational performance of Kenya Airports Authority in Nairobi. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (2), 1385 – 1406. http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i2.2990
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v11i2.2990
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