Corporate ethics is an instrument which is responsible within the organization, but it is in itself not sufficient to shape a responsible organization. While most of the recent highly publicized scandals have been corporations in the developed world, managers in other countries are not immune to the ethical lapses. The purpose of this study was to establish the determinants of corporate ethics implementation programs with a focus on East African Breweries Ltd (EABL). The specific objectives of the study include to assess effect of ethical leadership in corporate ethics implementation programs, establish the influence of individual accountability in corporate ethics implementation programs, determine the extent to which organization culture affects corporate ethics implementation programs and to explore the effect of stakeholder involvement on corporate ethics implementation programs. The study was carried out in EABL Kenya. This study seeks to enhance implementation of corporate ethics programs while adding to the body of knowledge relating to corporate ethics implementation. The study was a descriptive research and adopted a case study design. A census was carried out. The target population was the senior executives, middle management and the operational staff to give a total population of 70. Questionnaires were the main data collection instruments.Descriptive analysis was used; this included the use of standard deviation, relative frequencies and percentages. The data is presented using tables.
The findings of the study indicated that ethical leadership, individual accountability, organization culture and stakeholder involvement all affect Corporate Ethics implementation programs. Moreover, the study found that the most significant factor is the ethical leadership and the least significant is stakeholder involvement.
Keywords: corporate ethics, ethics implementation, codes of ethics
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