Studies indicate that when employees are committed to organizations they work for they produce better outcomes for such organizations. Rewards are considered as one of the tools for enhancing organizational commitment. The pertinent issues of reward management practices that KEFRI could be facing are similar to what other research institutions are facing. This study therefore sought to investigate the effect of reward management practices on organizational commitment in KEFRI. In this regard, the study was guided by two specific objectives: to establish the effect of benefits administration and to find out what employees perceived as the base for rewards. This study adopted a case study research design using stratified sampling since data was gathered from a single source. The population was divided into sets or strata and which were mutually exclusive. The unit of analysis was the entire population of KEFRI employees, 1012 in number from which a sample of 100 was derived at from top management, middle and lower level staff. The study used questionnaires and interviews as the data collection instruments. The research carried out a pilot study to pretest and validate the instruments. Quantitative data collected were analyzed using SPSS (Version 22). Content analysis was used to test data that was qualitative in nature or aspect of the data collected from the open ended questions. The information was presented using tables, charts and in prose form.
Key Words: Benefits of Administration, Base for Rewards, Rewards Management Practices, Organizational Commitment, KEFRI
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.61426/sjbcm.v3i3.300
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